Twilight Zone: Georgia, District 14

Don’t ask me why I wanted to paint her, but once I did, I thought I’d run the freehand, Sketch Club image through PhotoSpeak to make it even creepier. Go ahead, click.

Here’s the image itself.

6 Months Till Election 2024

…and we’re entering the full-throttle-BS stage.
“The real opposition is the media. And the way to deal with them is to flood the zone with shit.” Steve Bannon

Reference: That’s the Bannon business model: Flood the zone. Stink up the joint. As Jonathan Rauch once said, citing Bannon’s infamous quote, “This is not about persuasion: This is about disorientation.” [SOURCE]

(See fire-hydrant-related posts.)

…and call me in the morning.

Here in Athens, Ohio, naturally, you’ll find the Cannabis Museum. Please take a good, long look at the Museum’s website in case you’re unfamiliar with or interested in learning more about the artistic, historic, medical, and industrial uses of cannabis…especially prior to 1937, when sadly, fear, ignorance, and greed vilified and marginalized this lucrative and self-sustaining venture. Here’s yet another similar museum in Barcelona, Spain (Catalonia), where you’ll find the photo reference I used  to paint (freehand) the vintage-looking medicine bottle using my iPad Pro, an Apple Pencil, the Sketch Club app, and a tweak or two in iColorama.

Click on image to enlarge it

I’m intrigued by the amber-colored, old-fashioned medicine bottles; and by the way, the Cannabis Museum in Athens, Ohio has a ton of these artifacts! Here’s just a glimpse of the ever-evolving exhibits. Check it out. When you do, you’ll see first hand that this story didn’t end in 1937; far from it! There is a promising future thanks to the vision, competence, and creativity of folks of all ages and from all walks of life.

Oh, THAT bible!

“Happy Holy Week!” he wrote on Truth Social. “Let’s Make America Pray Again. As we lead into Good Friday and Easter, I encourage you to get a copy of the God Bless The USA Bible.”
From: Maureen Dowd. NYT Opinion, 3/30/24, Donald Trump, Blasphemous Bible Thumper

Come and get’ ‘em!

Sketch Club

non-dualistic saturation

Back when I was in high school in the early 1970s I bought a book on meditation for some unknown reason. In bed that night I started skimming the book, reading a few pages here and there. I randomly found an exercise instructing me to pay attention to sights and sounds. So I put down the book and looked out the screened window at a street light on a telephone pole located about halfway between my window and the small, fence-making factory just beyond the alley, the row of houses, and the railroad tracks behind our house. For a brief moment my very own view shed and sound shed seemed unfamiliar to me. I noticed the constant factory noise, which I had learned how to ignore long before. Guests and visitors would ask us how we put up with that noise, and we’d say, what noise? I heard it that night. Then there was the street light. I noticed that from my bed I could see the light, and if i relaxed my eyes, I could see the mesh of the screen against a blurry but bright backdrop. I remember alternating between either seeing the street light or seeing the screen mesh, but I couldn’t see them both clearly at the same time; except for that one fleeting moment in which I either saw them both at the same time or imagined seeing them both at the same time. By this time I was coming to, returning to my regularly scheduled programs. I closed the book thinking to myself, well that went nowhere. I set the book aside along with the others on different subjects that I had left unfinished. Funny, isn’t it? I think I was momentarily meditating from the inside out and outside in, and I didn’t even know it; but, how come I remember it? I think I accidentally bumped into now then.

non dualistic saturation

Sorolla Study

I’ve always loved the works of Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida. I thought I’d try my hand (and Apple Pencil using the Sketch Club app on an iPad Pro) at one that caught my eye, “Pescadora Valencian,” (1916).

Sorolla Study
