Subaru Dealership Waiting Room Guitar Man

Waiting Room Guitar Man

30,000 mile service. Time to dig in. Looks like I deviated a little from Jorma’s actual countenance based on this screenshot of him and Jack.

Jorma & Jack

Both Sides Now: Joni Mitchell, 80, at the 2024 Grammys


Both Sides Now

A brief look at a YouTube upload of her touching performance. My iPad sketch was done in SketchClub on my iPad Pro using an Apple Pencil.

Jorma’n Tommy

A freehand quick sketch based on a reference screenshot from a YouTube video (see below) featuring old friends Jorma Kaukonen and Tommy Emmanuel playing a Roy Book Binder song in 2023. See also this 2014 post of Jorma in which I refer to my own weekend at the Fur Peace Ranch back in the early 2000s.

Jorma and Tmooy

Glen reaching a high note on Falling Slowly

This freehand iPad painting done in Sketch Club with an Apple Pencil, uses a screenshot of Irish musician Glen Hansard and, although not depicted, Czech singer and pianist Markéta Irglová, from the folk rock duo, the Swell Season, as they perform Falling Slowly on YouTube.

Glen Hansard (click on image to enlarge)

Roughly Nov. 2022 – Nov. 2023 (CA to OH)

Here’s a video summary of many (not all) of the digital images and smaller videos that I’ve composed on my iPad Pro using an Apple Pencil from November 2022 to part way through November 2023. The time period happens to correspond to our corporate move from California to Ohio. As usual some of the images are cartoonish, some are a little more serious; there are a few dogs, a few airbnbs, some political figures, and some psychopaths,  I’m doing an inventory so that I can pick out one, maybe two or three for a “call for entry.” Feel free to leave a comment or ask a question in the space provided below, and thanks for visiting.