Mobile Digital Art & Creativity (mDAC) Summit 2016

Click here to see the mDAC2016 program. The 3-day event began on Friday, 8/12/16 with the Grand Opening followed by the two-day Summit, Saturday and Sunday, 8/13 and 8/14/16. One of my digital paintings, Lumpensammler, made it into the top 100.


mDAC2016 - few examples

During the 2-day summit, participants were introduced to a variety exercises, techniques, and apps and invited to generate exploratory samples. A few examples of my output follow:

Google's very own Matthew Cruickshank invited us to submit a Google Doodle. A winner was selected...not mine.

Google’s very own Matthew Cruickshank invited us to submit a Google Doodle. A winner was selected…not mine.

A quickie of Maestro Jeremy Sutton in Procreate during the reception after the Grand Opening.

A quickie of Maestro Jeremy Sutton in Procreate during the reception after the Grand Opening.

Kate Barber guided us through ArtRage focusing on digital watercolor painting.

Kate Barber guided us through ArtRage focusing on digital watercolor painting.

A piece inspired by Keynote Speaker, Adam James Butcher

A piece inspired by Keynote Speaker, Adam James Butcher

A blended photograph in iColorama, product of Meri Walker of

A blended photograph in iColorama, product of Meri Walker of

Instructor Jeremy Sutton  Model Amber

Instructor Jeremy Sutton
Model Amber Procreate

Instructor Jeremy Sutton

Instructor Jeremy Sutton Model Amber

The Award-Winning New Years Eve City Chicken Video

City Chicken ArtRage
This year Annyth and I were invited for the second year in a row to the Mendenhall Farm New Years Eve Celebration, and the challenge this time was to bring an appetizer – and an accompanying video – that represented our “roots and heritage.” We went with CITY CHICKEN and walked away with this year’s Best Short Video Award!
Annyth and I both have familial roots and heritage in Southwest Pennsylvania in City Chicken country. Not familiar with City Chicken? Then the following video will help you out:

Idiosyncratic Splotch: Missing Subjunctive Mood


ArtRage, Procreate, iColorama

I’m circling back to add a comment from Facebook friend and frequent flier, John F., who mustn’t be too off put by this post honoring him. His comment regarding the above image: “Yogi frog on purple lily pad in lovely sea green pool.” Now, why couldn’t I have thought of that?